Target Areas
There are targets and target areas. You can think of a target as a DPI that makes up a target set, where the DPIs are geographically close. As you zoom out, targets in a target area will group together. As you zoom in, they break back out. If you have only one target in a target area, the label will just change from the target area's title to the target's title. Target areas can be shared to an organization or saved to your account for quick access. If none is selected for the target area, the name of the target area will be the name of the DPI.
Shared target areas can be saved to an organization. This makes that target area publicly available. You can join any organization when you create your account or by going to your profile and clicking `update.` Setting your account to an organization just makes that organization the default selection and the top of the list. You can still view any organization's target areas.
Scenarios are a grouping of target areas and drawings. For example your scenario could have two target areas, a circle with a certain sized ring on it to denote a threat, and a line for borders. This will all be imported by anyone that imports your scenario. Any scenario that is attached to an organization will be public. Therefore all target areas in a public scenario must also be public. You can start a new scenario from the scenario tab. When you open a scenario you own or create a new one, you will be modifying it until you select stop modifying. Any circles or lines you add will be synced. Target areas will let you know if they are not part of the scenario. You can add another user's public target areas to your scenario also.
Most operations can be done on the map. You can change the settings for all maps on the Target Imagery tab by clicking the gear that says `All Map's Settings.` You can also click the gear on any map to change just that map' settings. On the sidebar you can change most things. The eye icon declutters certain symbols on the map. The top row, the dpi row, lets you change how the dpi line looks, rotate it, remove the dot (in case it is slightly off), or remove it entirely. The arrow row lets you set a run-in heading, show a run-in arrow, and change the map's orientation. The measure row lets you draw a line on the map. You can set meters or ft which will change to km / nm as the line gets longer. If there are just two points you can make it a nice round number by clicking round. To delete the measure, click on the line to remove it. To stop drawing, just click a second time near your last point. The target row, the triangle icon, lets you add a target by clicking on the map and declutter the triangles. The draw row, the pencil, lets you add circles and lines to the map. The circles will have an icon at the center which can be dragged or clicked on to modify. The lines can be clicked on to delete. The FOV row lets you set a field of view over your target areas. Sniper defaults to sniper FOVs. Degrees allows you to set a default FOV. For either of these to work, the target area must have a target with an elevation, and you must be greater than 1000' AGL. Lastly, you can draw a rectangle of any size over a target area. All these FOV drawing orient along the run-in heading if you set it (the arrow menu).
Please let me know of any suggestions you have, things that would be useful, and minor or major bugs you see.